Pinnedthe gist of angular library ci/cdand then god said let there be modular code, and dependency resolvers and package managers, and all the associated brittleMay 10, 2022May 10, 2022
Pinnedthe oshawa arch — expositioni’ve been taking increasingly scientific interest in a recurrent tropospheric arched cloud wall extant over oshawa, ontario. i’m gonna…Sep 27, 2021Sep 27, 2021
balancing angular components on direct dom interactionin the beginning there was no type safety. and the bug entered the lexiconJan 18, 2023Jan 18, 2023
architecture: cover yourwhen you used to fly a lear you’d wear your sunglasses and smile a log.Jun 29, 2021Jun 29, 2021
high level archtecturei see that software development is the careful and iterative progress of abstract symbol expressions towards version 0.0.1.Jun 17, 2021Jun 17, 2021